Saat-Bread - Heavy bread that hasn’t risen
Sad-Bad - Very ill
Sarnies - Sandwiches
Sartnoon - This afternoon
Scithers - Scissors
Scud - A hasty flying rain shower
Seck - Second
Sen - Self
Ser - So
Sez - Says
Shack - Shake
Shag-Ma-Rag - A mean person
Shanny - Shame-faced
Sha’not - Shall not
Shenna - Shant/Shall Not
Shepherds-Lamp - The first star that rises after sunset
Shirty - Sulky
Shittle-come-poo - A vulgar exclamation
Shladder - See Shlatter
Shlatter - Shall have to
Shouldner - Shouldn’t Have
Sid - Seed
Skelper - A tall, lanky youth
Skivver - Skewer
Slommackin - Large and clumsy
Slon - Sloe. A wild damson
Snew - Snow
Snig - Sneak
Sniggle - A snail shell
Sniving - Raw, cold, sleety weather
Snow-bones - Remnants of snow after a frost
Sorft - Soft
Soss - To throw liquid from one vessel to another
Soy - Sigh
Spitter - A light shower of rain
Splarradash - Fine, excellent
Spondoolicks - Money
Sprawt - To spread out
Spuds - Potatoes
Squits - Diarrhoea
Stun - Stone
Strit - Street
Sulf - Self
Sum - some
Summat - Something
Tairn - Town
Taint - It is not
Tammy-Bag - A bag for provisions
Tara - Goodbye
Taters - Potatoes
Tatter-Wallops - Ragged clothes fluttering in the wind
Tay - Tea
Tazz - A rough head of hair
Tek - Take
Tell-Post - A direction post
Tent - It isn’t
Termorrer - Tomorrow
Ternight - Tonight
That’n - That way
Tig Rigs - Pigs
Tiggy-Hogs - Millepedes
Ting-Tang - The small bell of a church
Tit-Fall - A bird-trap made of four bricks
Tittups - Fibs, lies
Toozdee - Tuesday
Trolly-Mog - A dirty, slovenly femals
Trump - An honest man
Twa’n’t - It was not
Tward’n - It was not
Twiddle-Cum-Waddle - Idle, unmeaning talk
Twink - A small amount of time
Twitter - To giggle or laugh
Twunt - It wont
Ull - Will
Ullapse - An exclamation used when something has gone wrong
Um - Shortened version of Hum
Umberjigger - Umbrella
Unawars - Unaware by surprise
Undercumstumble - To understand, to comprehend
Utcher - See Whatcha
Uvver - Over
Uz - Us
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